Registration is now OPEN for the 2024-2025 Season using this link:
2024 / 2025 TeamSnap Registration
A few things:
- We welcome back Mike Graves as the Varisty & Middle School (No Check) Head Coach
- Many thanks to Coach Ross Hyatt for his many years at the helm of Varsity and JV
- Our JV Team will be a partnership with Devon Prep this year
- We will have 2 Middle School Teams (Developmental and No Check)
- Registering for 1 of the 4 teams - Please select where you believe your child should be (the coaches will make any adjustments)
- We are keeping the fees flat vs last year
- JV/Varsity - $1550.00
- Middle School - $700.00
- You will need your 2024-2025 USA Hockey # to register. If you play Club, you should already have it. If not, you will need to register with USA Hockey; the fees vary by birth year (
- Payments
- You can pay for the season all at once or in 3 installments
- If you pay via Credit Card or ACH (there are processing fees)
- You can choose 'offline' payment and send a check to the PO Box noted in registration
- we do ask that if you pay via check, for it to be the full amount